Immigration & Visa Services

Essential packing checklist

First things first, well done on making the call to move to Canada. It is a big decision and one that shouldn’t be underestimated.

Essential packing checklist

While you made the initial first step on your own it is important to remember that Au Canada Visa is here to assist you with making the move to Canada as smooth as possible. To help you plan your trip to Canada, we’ve compiled a list of essential items that we recommend you arrange prior to your departure, as well as a list of things to consider packing for Canada.

Moving to Canada checklist:

Some of the items in this section can take some time to organize. It’s good to review this well in advance of your departure, so you can be getting prepared in the weeks and months before your flight to Canada.

Moving to Canada checklist:

  • Visa or work permit
  • Flights to Canada
  • Travel insurance for Canada
  • Make sure your passport is valid and up-to-date.
  • Bank statements to serve as proof of funds. Depending on your bank, this could take a week or two to arrange, so be organized.
  • Updated resume in the Canadian format (many people do not realise how crucial this is to your success in Canada, so read our Resume format in Canada and get working on it).
  • Arrange a place to stay, for at least the first night. Learn more about finding accommodation in Canada.
  • Accommodation references from your previous landlords.
  • References from previous employers (or at least, a contact for someone who will agree to provide this if required while you’re in Canada).
  • Ask previous insurers to supply you with a “no claims” letter, to serve as proof of driving history.
  • If your driving experience pre-dates the issue date on your home licence, you may need a letter from your home licencing authority to prove how long you’ve been driving. Learn more about getting a driver license in Canada.
  • Tax forms relating to the termination of your employment. This will prove useful if you’ve overpaid tax in your home country and need to claim this back at the end of the tax year.
  • Don’t leave it until the last minute to terminate your contract with your mobile phone provider, as some contracts will have a cancellation period.
  • If you need to get your phone unblocked in order for it to work with other networks, arrange this early.

What to pack when moving to Canada:

Some of these items may need to be taken out from your luggage quickly at the airport, so put them somewhere they can be accessed quickly as you begin packing for Canada.

  • Passport
  • Visa, work permit, or other immigration documentation
  • Bank balance letter
  • Evidence of travel insurance, if applicable (e.g. a printed copy of your policy)
  • The address of a place to stay (e.g. a hostel, a hotel, or a friend’s place)
  • Driver’s license or some other form of government-issued ID if you plan on going out to venues that serve alcohol. Avoid having to use (and potentially lose) your passport.
  • Your resume. Email it to yourself or bring an electronic copy that you can print when you need to.
  • Accommodation reference letter.
  • Motor insurance letter. Having a “no claims” letter from previous insurance companies may reduce your insurance premium costs.
  • Copy of student transcripts (if required).
  • Prescriptions (if necessary).
  • A good pair of gloves, a warm hat and scarf. These are crucial items if you plan on arriving during winter in any location outside the Greater Vancouver Area. Once you get to Canada, you can purchase a good winter coat (the coat you use in your home country is unlikely to be warm enough), but make sure you arrive with the basics to get you from the airport to your accommodation and through your first day: gloves, hat, scarf.

Items you might like to pack for Canada:

  • Some Canadian currency, so you don’t have to wearily look for an ATM at the airport.
  • A power bar / extension cord, so you can run multiple devices from home using just one Canadian adaptor.
  • Chargers for phones, cameras, etc.
  • Home treats, like tea bags or non-perishable food items from your home country.
  • Large (but not too large) items, like a guitar or surf board that you may be particularly attached to. It may be cheaper and easier to check these as additional luggage on your flight, rather than shipping them separately.

Moving to Canada packing checklist: Goods to follow

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has set out regulations for personal items following you to Canada, with key information on which goods may qualify for duty- and tax-free importation, and how the process works. To learn more, visit this CBSA page.

Next steps

When you’re finished packing for Canada and counting down the hours until travelling to the airport, it’s a good idea to think ahead about what to do once you arrive in Canada. Here are the 7 things you need to do during your first week in Can

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